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We partner with a broad network of providers, dentists, pharmacies, and other healthcare facilities in Rhode Island. Our Provider and Pharmacy directory makes it easy to find the care you need. Search by plan name, specialty, location, or provider name. You can also use the filters to search for more specific information.

To change your primary care provider or get detailed information about your healthcare benefits and prior authorization requirements, call our Member Services team at 833-346-9222 (TTY 711)

Provider & Pharmacy Directory Documents

CCA Medicare Preferred (PPO) (RI) – Provider & Pharmacy Directory (2024)

A document that includes information about the provider and pharmacy types in CCA Medicare Preferred and listings of all the plan’s providers and pharmacies as of the date of this Directory.

CCA Medicare Value (PPO) (RI) – Provider & Pharmacy Directory (2024)

A document that includes information about the provider and pharmacy types in CCA Medicare Value and listings of all the plan’s providers and pharmacies as of the date of this Directory.

CCA Medicare Maximum (HMO D-SNP) (RI) – Provider & Pharmacy Directory (2024)

A document that includes information about the provider and pharmacy types in CCA Medicare Maximum and listings of all the plan’s providers and pharmacies as of the date of this Directory.

Other Directory Resources

Directory Rules & Information

Request a Printed Directory

Please fill out this form to request a printed Provider or Pharmacy Directory and we’ll mail you a directory for your county.

Printed Provider Directory Form

"*" indicates required fields

Select your CCA Health plan:*
Select the directory you'd like to receive:*
Select your language:*
Our directories are printed by county. Please select the county where you live.

CCA Health will not contact you unless we have questions about your request.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

You can get these documents for free in other formats, such as large print, braille, or audio. Call 833-346-9222 (TTY 711) 8 am – 8 pm, 7 days a week. The call is free.

ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 833-346-9222 (TTY 711).

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