A scam is a false attempt by a person or organization to get a hold of your personal information or money. Scammers will say anything and use many ways to cheat people out of money. Right now, they are using coronavirus (COVID-19) to take advantage of people.
Watch out for requests for your Medicare ID information.
CCA has become aware that scammers may claim to offer support for seniors to stay safe from COVID-19 or tell you there are updates to your Medicare ID. But the scams can take various forms.
They could reach you through:
If you think someone is trying to scam you, remember these key tips, even when you are contacted by people you may know:
If you are unsure, make sure to slow down and give yourself time to think before giving out your personal information or money. Talk to someone you trust and always check out the claim. If you’re comfortable, you can talk to your CCA care partner. They can provide you with guidance to check out the information further.