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We partner with a broad network of providers, dentists, pharmacies, and other healthcare facilities in Michigan. Our Provider and Pharmacy directories make it easy to find the care you need. Search by plan name, specialty, location, or provider name.

CCA Medicare Maximum (HMO D-SNP) (MI) – Provider & Pharmacy Directory (2024)

Please note these PDF documents are not fully updated. Please contact Member Services at 855-959-5855 (TTY 711) for more information.

List of Covered Medications

We also cover a wide range of brand-name and generic drugs. Use our Drug directory to search by name or drug type.

CCA Medicare Maximum Covered Drug Documents

CCA Medicare Maximum (HMO D-SNP) (MI) – List of Covered Drugs (Formulary) (2024)

CCA Medicare Maximum (HMO D-SNP) (MI) – Prior Authorization Criteria (2024)

CCA Medicare Maximum (HMO D-SNP) (MI) – Step Therapy Criteria (2024)

CCA Medicare Maximum (HMO D-SNP) (MI) – Quantity Limits (2024)

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*You can get this for free in other formats, such as large print, braille, or audio. Call 866-333-3530 (TTY 711). The call is free.

ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 866-333-3530 (TTY 711).