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As our valued network providers, you are well-versed in the significant needs of CCA’s member population, and how imperative it is that we ensure an equitable healthcare experience for those we mutually serve. CCA is available to help ensure that your practice has the resources you need to communicate with the CCA members you see in-office.  


Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires providers to supply interpreter services for patients with limited English proficiency at no cost to the patient, as well as provide communications in an accessible format for patients with a disability, such as sign language interpreters or TTD/TTY services. Once you’ve determined a patient’s preferred language, you must find a way to communicate in the patient’s language/format to reduce the risk of medical errors and empower patients to advocate for themselves. CCA is available to help providers locate interpreter and/or accessibility services, if requested. 

If a provider is unable to offer needed interpreter services for a CCA member, CCA can provide telephonic language assistance services. A provider, along with the member, may contact the CCA Provider Services team at 866-420-9332 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday–Friday and they will be connected to the appropriate interpreter telephonically. For assistance during evening hours (5-8 p.m.) or weekends (8 a.m.-6 p.m.), providers may call CCA Member Services at 866-610-2273. Please have the member’s name and CCA ID number available. 

Language Assistance Tips & Resources 

Tips for providers to identify a patient’s preferred language 

Helping patients who do not speak the same language as you (interpretation) 

Helping patients who do not read/write in the same language/format as you (translation) 

Educational materials provided to patients should always follow health literacy principles 

For patients who are blind or have low vision 

Resources for Interpretation/Translation 

Below are some searchable directories with interpreters/translators in your area and the languages they offer.  

Find a certified medical interpreter (for spoken interpretation) 

Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters 

National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters  

Find a certified translator (for written documents) 

American Translators Association: 

As always, if you have any questions or need assistance connecting with language or interpretation resources, CCA’s Provider Services team is available to help. Call 866-420-9332 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.