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Health programs designed with your needs in mind

August 26, 2024
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Nursing helping an older adult in a wheelchair move about his home.

To develop your care plan, your CCA care team may ask you questions about your health. This also helps us develop special programs* designed to keep you healthy and well.

Some of these programs include:

Mental and behavioral health

These services** offer support for conditions that affect your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. These may include schizophrenia, anxiety, or depression. You can also get support for substance use disorder. Your CCA care team can help you with a medication plan, therapies, and more.

Transitions of care

This program helps you safely move back to your home after leaving the hospital. Your CCA care team checks in on you and connects you to the services you need to recover. They can also help schedule all your follow-up appointments.

Preventive care

This program sends you reminders about important screenings and vaccines. One example is our flu vaccine program. It helps remind you of the importance of getting a flu vaccine each year and where to get one.

High intensity care management (HICM)

Members in this program** have conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease. They may also have substance use and mental health needs. Your HICM team includes a Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant. They will work with your providers to develop a treatment plan, which may include:

Your HICM team will support you through illness, recovery, and stability.

Call CCA Member Services to learn more about these programs.

*You can choose not to participate in these programs. | **A referral may be required.

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