Medicaid is a program that is run jointly by the federal and state governments. It provides coverage for healthcare and other related services to people who are eligible due to any number of circumstances.
Some states have their own version of Medicaid. For example, in Massachusetts, Medicaid is called MassHealth. In Rhode Island, Medicaid is also called Rhode Island Medical Assistance Program. Michigan Medicaid serves Michiganders.
Medicaid pays for healthcare for certain low-income residents. Benefits may be paid directly to you, or by paying part or all of your health insurance premiums.
To be eligible for Medicaid, you must be a U.S. national, citizen, permanent resident, or legal alien. Your income must fall below a certain yearly amount, and you must be in need of assistance to pay for healthcare or insurance.
Qualifying for Medicaid is based on income, and it differs by state.
Income eligibility is determined by your taxable income. It is also determined by certain deductions. Examples include non-taxable Social Security benefits, individual retirement contributions, and interest earnings.
Click here1 for the Massachusetts Medicaid (Mass Health) eligibility tool.
Click here1 for the Rhode Island Medicaid eligibility tool.
Click here1 for the Michigan Medicaid eligibility tool.
If your income increases, there is the possibility that you will no longer be eligible for Medicaid. In this case, you may still qualify to purchase coverage through a private health insurance company. In the event of an income change—whether it goes up or down—you must report it to the state Medicaid office. They will let you know what documents you need to provide and if your eligibility has changed. If you become eligible for Medicaid again, you will have to re-apply.
Medicaid covers a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of the people it serves. Under the federal Medicaid law, there are certain services that are required to be covered. Many states cover additional optional services. Some examples are prescription drugs, physical therapy, eyeglasses, and dental care.
Click here1 to see a full listing of required and optional covered benefits.
Dual eligible is a term that applies to people who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. That means you qualify to receive health coverage from two sources:
For people who are dual-eligible, CCA offers a special type of Medicare Advantage HMO plan. This plan is known as a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP).
In Massachusetts, our D-SNP plan is called CCA Senior Care Options (HMO D-SNP). In Rhode Island and Michigan, it is called CCA Medicare Maximum (HMO D-SNP). These plans provide all the coverage of Medicaid and Medicare. They also provide additional benefits to meet certain health care needs and to save you money.
Click here for more information on CCA Senior Care Options.
Click here for more information on CCA Health Rhode Island Medicare Maximum.
Click here for more information on CCA Health Michigan Medicare Maximum.
In Massachusetts:
You must complete the Application for Health Coverage for Seniors and People Needing Long-Term Care Services,1 which is available online. You may also apply by calling the MassHealth Customer Service Center at 800-841-2900.
To complete the application, you will need:
You may mail in your completed form to:
MassHealth Enrollment Center
Central Processing Unit
P.O. Box 290794
Charlestown, MA 02129-0214
In Rhode Island:
You may apply online, by phone, or by mail.
In Michigan:
1 When you click this link, you will leave the Commonwealth Care Alliance website.